Posted Wed Mar 9, 2016 at 08:45 AM PST by Sophia Edwards
Importing at its simplest.
Yesterday, it was discovered by Twitter user @HadlerER that Amazon Japan is now shipping videogame orders internationally, making importing easier than it has ever been. Previously, resellers such as PlayAsia were the only simple way to order games from Japan, but it would come at a fairly substantial pricehike, but with this news from Amazon, you can order the games at pretty much the same price as they'd go for in Japan.
You can't use your existing Amazon account for this, so you'll need to create a Japanese account and ensure that you enter your address under the "Add International Address" field, but this can be made a bit simpler by viewing the site in English.
This is really fantastic news for anyone interested in importing in the slightest, and I'm extremely happy about giving this a shot for myself in the next few weeks.
Source: @HadlerER
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